Some Past Events

Animal stories at LA Public Library

Meet Three Early Asian Activists - a Chautauqua performance for the Walk of Remembrance.

Friday, May 10, 6:15-8:30pm

Monterey Bay Aquarium Auditorium

866 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA

Tickets free, but please register.

An Afternoon or Evening with... ​Kasturba Gandhi

In Person - Tuesday, October 8th, 2024,  2pm and 7pm

Location- Firehouse Arts Center

A Virtual Viewing 

Tuesday, October 15th, On Demand Webinar

Location- BigMarker Webinar Platform

Kasturba Gandhi was much more than the silent partner of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of modern India and inspiration for the civil rights movement. Though she was his supportive wife for 6 decades, she was also an activist in her own right. Chautauqua scholar Roopa Mohan will bring Kasturba to life, capturing her trials and triumphs in her journey from child bride to freedom fighter, in South Africa and India.